澳大利亞最大的獨立移民律師事務所。開放 7 天! 在此預訂。
Micah Schembri 在墨爾本大學接受高等教育,在那裡他獲得了文學學士學位,隨後獲得了法學博士學位。他的學術之旅為他在人文學科和法律研究方面打下了堅實的基礎,使他具備了駕馭複雜法律環境所需的技能。
Micah 對移民法的熱情源於他對人們生活產生切實影響的願望。他在幫助面臨迫害的個人和家庭中找到了成就感,為他們提供尋求安全和建設更美好未來所需的法律支援。他對正義的承諾和對弱勢群體的同情凸顯了他對這一領域的奉獻精神。
Beyond his professional pursuits, Micah has a creative side that he nurtures through writing short stories. This hobby allows him to explore different narratives and express his creativity, providing a balance to his legal work. Through his writing, he explores various themes and characters, showcasing his versatility and imagination.