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Evette Sheridan

Eksekutif Undang-undang Australia

Latar belakang

Evette Sheridan is a dedicated and ambitious student at the University of Melbourne, currently in her first year of the Juris Doctor (JD) program, with an expected graduation in November 2026. Prior to beginning her legal studies, Evette completed a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Geography at the University of Melbourne, graduating with First Class Honours in November 2023. As part of her BA, she also spent a semester at the University of Glasgow from January to June 2023, where she broadened her academic perspective and completed additional coursework. 

Evette’s academic foundation in Geography has fostered a strong interest in migration law, an area where she seeks to integrate her understanding of human and geographical issues into her legal career. She is currently working part-time at Australian Migration Lawyers, gaining practical experience in the field and further developing her expertise.

Beyond her studies and work, Evette enjoys spending time outdoors, with hiking being one of her greatest passions. She loves escaping the city for weekend adventures and exploring nature whenever possible. Her academic excellence, combined with her practical experience and diverse interests, positions her as a promising future professional in the legal field, particularly in migration law.


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